Old Hikmat Books In Urdu Free Download PDF Amraz Meda Jigar Daor Hazir Ki Haam Bemarian Hakeemi Nuskhe by Hakeem Muhammad Abdullah Tib Wa Jarahat read Stomach and Liver Disorders Conditions and Treatments in Urdu local get pdf old Tibbi books to read online or free download desi Nuskhe book from this blog.
The importance of the stomach in the human body The stomach is a very important organ of the human body. What we eat and drink is stored in the stomach and the stomach also works to digest food. Stomach upset affects the entire system of the body. Therefore, it is very important to keep it correct and to know the related precautions. Stomach upset and various stomach ailments like acidity, vomiting, chest pain, and burning, bitter mouth-watering, gastric ulcer, and end if not treated properly. Gastric cancer. Causes Gastric or peptic ulcer: It is more common at night. If there is no other disease, it can be caused by eating too much late at night and then swelling immediately. This problem is more common on the spot. Wearing tight-fitting tight clothes is also a cause of this problem. Other causes include smoking, betel nut, soft drinks, spicy foods, and drinking less water.
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